MEMORY LAB HR Manager Takashima gives a lecture to students at Chiba University.
Takashima, HR Manager of MEMORY LAB, has recently given a lecture as an alumni at the Public Philosophy Seminar in the Faculty of Law, Politics & Economics at Chiba University.


On July 30, 2024, a lecture was held at the Nishi-Chiba Campus of Chiba University. Around 20 first-year students from the seminars on Public Philosophy and Public Policy in the Faculty of Law, Politics, and Economics at Chiba University participated. Our HR Manager, Takashima, delivered a lecture, followed by an active discussion with the participants.

・About Lectures

His experiences from studying developmental psychology at the University of British Columbia in Canada and the University of Oslo in Norway were shared, along with his story of research contributing to forming a better environment at MEMORY LAB as HR manager. Participants have reacted positively to this lecture, saying, 'It was an opportunity to remind me that the long-dream of studying abroad comes true and had lead to motivation to try studying abroad starting next summer,' and 'I’m interested in entrepreneurship, so it was great to hear about the stories of early-stage startups.
Faculty of Law, Politics, &Economics at Chiba University: Official Website (JPN)